

Fly By Night出現在第一季的第二集-Wendigo裡做為片尾曲。那幕場景是Sam和Dean兩個人在解決掉Wendigo後倚在Impala引擎蓋上閒扯說很討厭露營,接著Sam就撇了個微笑說這次由他開車,然後Dean就將車鑰匙拋給Sam,接下來的畫面就是車子行駛於公路上做為結尾。

Wendigo是我在看第一季裡讓我看完後沒有不敢睡覺的一集(呃...),然後我很喜歡結尾時Sam和Dean的互動,也很喜歡Fly By Night輕快的前奏,在音樂落下時頭不自覺的就跟著節奏晃動了。

上網搜了一下,找到了第二集的片段,不過發音好像是法文的= 3=在1:09秒開始最後幾幕,然後音樂是在1:34時下的。




Fly By Night封面

 Fly By Night單曲封面

Fly By Night的演唱者是加拿大搖滾樂團Rush,並收錄於Rush的第二張專輯Fly By Night(1975)。由Geddy Lee作曲、Neil Peart填詞。1971年,當Neil還沒加入Rush時,年滿18歲的他第一次出遠門,離開了他的故鄉加拿大前往英國,這趟旅行可以說是他人生的轉捩點,而Fly By Night就是在描述他的這趟旅行。




 Rush成軍於1968年8月,在初期經歷過多次的團員替換,一直到第一次美國巡迴演唱才趨於穩定。Rush的音樂風格經歷過幾次蛻變,在發第一張專輯時,Rush深受英國藍調搖滾影響,接著的幾年開始漸漸受到英國前衛搖滾運動影響,在這個時期裡的歌詞深受科幻小說啟發,而Fly By Night剛好處於這個時期。80年代時,Rush成功的將新浪潮、雷鬼和流行搖滾跟他們的唱腔結合,而在90年代,Rush融入了另類搖滾,千禧年後則讓他們重返搖滾樂的根源,儘管經歷了許多的改革,Rush多數的音樂仍深深反映了初期的藍調。


Geddy Lee-吉他手、貝斯手、主唱

Alex Lifeson-電吉他手

Neil Peart-鼓手



Why try? I know why
This feeling inside me says it's time I was gone
Clear head, new life ahead
It's time I was king, now not just one more pawn

Fly by night, away from here
Change my life again
Fly by night, goodbye my dear
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend

Moon rise, thoughtful eyes
Staring back at me from the window beside
No fright or hindsight
Leaving behind that empty feeling inside

Fly by night, away from here
Change my life again
Fly by night, goodbye my dear
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend

Fly by night, away from here
Change my life again
Fly by night, goodbye my dear
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend

Start a new chapter
Find what I'm after
It's changing every day
The change of the seasons
Is enough of a reason
To want to get away
Quiet and pensive
My thoughts apprehensive
The hours drift away
Leaving my homeland
Playing a lone hand
My life begins today

Fly by night, away from here
Change my life again
Fly by night, goodbye my dear
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend

Fly by night, away from here
Change my life again
Fly by night, goodbye my dear
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend
My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend




link:維基百科-Fly By Night介紹





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